Dear Friday

Photo by Staffage via:

Dear Friday, what a roller-coaster of a week this has been!  We started a new morning routine  by getting up slightly earlier (than before) and starting the day with some lemon water and yoga before sitting down for breakfast. We only check messages or go online after having had coffee. I thought it would be hard (and yes, getting up is really hard) and we’re only doing a light morning routine to wake up and focus (otherwise, no chance for me to get out and take Micro to the park). Because we have been going through a stressful phase, it’s been really good and helped us to focus and get through the day with more ease. We will report how it this develops.

You’re looking for some good arguments to get up earlier in the morning? Here and here are a couple of tips. This also might change your evening routine.

Need some ideas for what to have for breakfast, now that you have more time for it? How about this bread? Or, if you can read German, this blog is all about bread – and we used to make some great bread from it when we were still eating grains.  Ah,  the smell of fresh bread (sigh)…

Do you have a shoes-on or shoes-off policy at your place? You might want to read this, if you are cleaning your place on Fridays, it will push you the extra mile – and the article didn’t even put a dog or a cat into the equation – eek!

I am so glad it’s Friday and time to relax a bit. I hope you have a truly fantastic weekend and a short break from your weekday routine!

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